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Summer school Wisla 18

Wisła, Poland
August 20 – August 30, 2018save-the-date

The topic of the forthcoming school:
Nonlinear PDEs, their geometry,  and applications

The goal of the forthcoming school is to present recent results in the theory of nonlinear PDEs, their geometry, and applications. The coursers will stress a role of geometrical methods and especially methods of contact geometry to study nonlinear PDEs and methods of their integrability. Various methods of finding and using symmetries and conservation laws will be presented. Especially the following topics will be emphasized: methods of integrability and finding smooth and singular solutions (shock waves). All these methods will be illustrated by applications to fluid mechanics, field and quantum theory, etc.

The speakers will be:

• Alexei Kushner (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Geometry of Monge-Ampere equations with Maple
• Valentin Lychagin (University of Tromsø, Norway) Contact Geometry and measurements
• Ian Roulstone (University of Surrey, UK) and Martin Wolf (University of Surrey, UK) Higher Geometry and Non-linear PDEs
• Volodya Rubtsov (University of Angers, France) Geometric structures associated  with Monge-Ampere operators
• Sergey Tychkov  Symbolic computations in differential geometry with Maple

Materials of the school will be published by Springer Nature.
The school will provide young researchers an opportunity to interact with their colleagues and well-known researchers in the field 
- each participant could make a talk about recent research or present a poster. 
- each participant will get an independent and constructive feedback on her/his current research and future research directions. 
- a decision about including participantwork to the book will be made based on experts feedback. 
- each participant will also be given an opportunity to improve her/his work during the school.
The ARRIVAL DAY is August 19.
The DEPARTURE DAY is August 30.

School fee is 375 EUR

The fee includes meals, accommodation (2 beds rooms with private bathroom) and lectures. 
To apply please send an e-mail to or fill the registration form.
Your request will be considered by the Organizing Committee. 


Financial Support
We expect that some support will be available to fund students and other young researchers. If you are requesting financial support, please complete the registration form and send a pdf of your CV as soon as possible.

*picture by Eivind Schneider
Organizing Committee: A. Barszcz, R. Kycia, P.Kowalski, J.Szmit, R.Szymczyk, M.Ulan
The Organizing Committee can be contacted for any question and suggestion via the e-mail address:
sn_logo_cmyk               birkh_logo_2c


Futurum Winter Camp 2018

BIM invites you to dive into magical world of Mathematics, January, 3-14. 2018
Mountains + Sun + Mathematics!  What can be better?
Winter School for schoolchildren of 5-12th grades* will take place in
Wisła (Poland) at the foot of the Beskid Mountains on the border
with Czech republic.

This year edition will be focused on a connection between Mathematics and Biology.

For more details on Futurum STREAM Camps , please follow the link below:

* Provided we get sufficient number of participants from 1st to 4th
grades we would like to invite you to the “1+1″ = Сhild + Parent
Winter School.


Summer school on geometrical methods in control theory and mathematical physics.

Wisła, Poland
August 28- September  6, 2017
Organizing Committee
A. Barszcz, P.Kowalski, J.Smit, R.
Szymczyk, M.Ułan

 The following topics are planning to discuss:

Introduction to contact geometry with applications by VALENTIN LYCHAGIN (University of Tromsø, Norway)

  1. Contact and symplectic structures on manifolds, their interaction and main examples.
  2. Contact and symplectic transformations and Lie algebras of contact and Hamiltonian vector fields. Generating functions and Poisson, Lagrange, Jacobi brackets.
  3. Lagrangian and Legendrian manifolds, caustics.
  4. Exterior algebras and analyse on contact and symplectic manifolds.
  5. Contact geometry and PDEs: Partial differential equations of the 1st order.
  6. Contact geometry and PDEs: Partial differential equations of the 2nd order.
  7. Symmetries, conservation laws, singularities and shock waves for solutions of PDEs.
  8. Contact Geometry and variational calculus.
  9. Contact Geometry and Thermodynamics. Legendrian manifolds and thermodynamic states, phase transitions.
  10. Contact structures in visual cortex and neurogeometry. Differential invariants and the problem of image recognition.

Variations, Geometry and Physics by OLGA ROSSI(University of Ostrava, Czech Republic):
We shall present foundations of the calculus of variations on manifolds.
The main focus will be on a modern setting for Euler-Lagrange and
Hamilton theory, including constraints, symmetries and conservation
laws. We shall give examples and applications in geometric mechanics and
control theory, as well as in variational field theories, and discuss
geometries arising from variational equations.

School fee* is 350 EUR
*The fee includes meals, accommodation (2 beds rooms with private bathroom) and lectures. 
To apply please send an e-mail to or fill the registration form.
Your request will be considered by the Organizing Committee. 

Financial Support
We expect that some support will be available to fund students and other young researchers. If you are requesting financial support, please complete the registration form and send a pdf of your CV as soon as possible.

The Organizing Committee can be contacted for any question and suggestion via the e-mail address:




Summer Camp Futurum 2017

Summer, mountains, math! What can be better?

Do you enjoy math, physics and programming?
Join the international children math and physics community BIM.  We invite you to have two unforgettable weeks (10-24, June 2017) in a summer math camp for K1-K12 students  which takes place in a small Polish town at the foot of the mountains. We also invite students of 1-4 grades (ages 6-11) to our school together with parents.

The most interesting problems and math puzzles as well as twisted origami are waiting ahead. Every one of you can try being a scientist, an engineer or even a film director.

We will show where and how math appears in real life. Are you with us?
For more details on Futurum STREAM Camps , please follow the link below:

MP Sailing Camp


Math & Physics & Sailing Camp

Good news everyone!

This Summer BIM invite you to join our Math & Physics & Sailing (MPS) Camp – where you will learn about sailing, math and physics.

Since people have been interested in getting from one place to another, they have been building boats. The scientific principles that governed early sailing still apply today. Math is an important part of sailing and is used to design stable boats and aerodynamic sails, compensate for currents, and circumnavigate the globe.


We will prove you that Math is awesome!

You will learn water safety, navigation, sail design, tacking, jibing and basic rescue procedures.Campers will sail with two to four per boat under the close supervision of the instructors. Beginners are taught the basics of sailing from rigging and launching to steering and boat-handling to finally sailing solo.

Do you want to know how math shows up in sailing?
The registration is open! It doesn’t matter how old are you. Go sailing with us!

We look forward to having you join us this summer for this amazing event.
Send an e-mail to to register now!

Futurum STREAM Camp


Turning STEM into STREAM will energise the sciences…

What is STREAM?
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics—STEM, and therefore, STEM education are vital to our future. Besides, STEM is everywhere; it shapes our everyday experiences.  STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. It’s simple. Kids learn while they have fun!
There is a movement afoot to turn that acronym into STREAM by adding Arts and Research.


At Futurum STREAM Camp, youth explore the fields of Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art and Math (STREAM) through hands-on activities. Futurum STREAM Camps is a part of the Education and research programme “FUTURUM 2020″ under the patronage of Professor Jerzy Buzek MEP.

About Camp
Do you enjoy math, physics and programming?
Join the international children math and physics community BIM.  We invite you to have two unforgettable weeks in a STEM camp for K1-K12 students and first & second university students which takes place in a small town close to the nature.
Some sessions are make for mathematically gifted students from around the globe. An initiative in response to parents and teachers of bright students who have not yet shone at the Olympiad level, as well as of those who would like to expand what they have learned before.
These talented students wish to hone their problem solving skills in particular and further their mathematics education in general. Many of our participants seek to improve their performance on contests such as IMO, IOI, IPHO, NMC, MEMO and The Baltic Way.
We also invite students of 1-4 grades (ages 6-11) to our school together with parents.


The most interesting problems and math puzzles as well as twisted origami are waiting ahead. Every one of you can try being a scientist, an engineer or even a film director.

Time and space in the camp will be filled with the atmosphere of creativity. Solving problems will take place both in classrooms and on the mountains paths thus allowing diving deeply into the amazing world of math. 2 weeks will be dedicated to advanced math and physics, research practical works, projects. You will meet words like programming, IT, data bases, financial analytics, economics, accounting, law, computational linguistics, experimental and theoretic physics, bioengineering, mathematical model, design etc.

A wide spectrum of laboratory works with the possibility to choose preferable field will be available for those who love physics. Having a chance to get your hands on something without being obliged to have a certain result is also a result.  Interactive lectures with the demonstration of main principles of universe will give an opportunity to find new things about the world and also to share this knowledge.

We will show where and how math appears in real life. Are you with us?


Intensive studying process at school requires intensive recreation and this is why we offer kids to enjoy the amazing world of math. Students will get enough energy for the new academic year as well as learning a lot of new thing. The program of Futurum STREAM includes school curriculum and different classes to improve logics with the stress on research problems.

Recreation is the main thing for a kid to get during holidays. However, what is a perfect recreation for a school kid? We wisely choose active recreation and comprehensive development.

We offer kids travelling, math, physics, sport and art instead of computer.


This year there are several host towns:
(Poland) The small town Wisła is in the area of Beskyd Mountains close to the border with Slovakia and Czech Republic
(Poland) Jastrzębia góra is a small town on the south coast of the Baltic sea
(Sweden) Karlskrona is known as Sweden’s only baroque city
(Serbia) Several small towns near Belgrade and Novi Sad
(Italy) Several small towns near Naples

You can join any moment from September till August. If anybody is willing to enjoy the amazing world of math for a long period of time, he or she is more than welcome to join number of sessions.

September, 13 – September, 26
September, 27 – October, 10
October, 11 – October, 24
October, 25 – November, 7
November, 8 – November, 21
November, 22 – December, 5
December, 6 – December, 19
January, 2 – January, 15
January, 16 – January, 29
January, 30 – February, 12
February, 13 – February, 26
February, 27 – March, 12
March, 13 – March, 26
March, 27 – April, 9
April, 10 – April, 23
April, 24 – May, 7
May, 8 – May, 21
May, 22 – June, 4
June, 5 – June, 18
June, 19 – July, 2
July, 3 – July, 16
July, 17 – July, 30
July, 31 – August, 13
August, 14 – August, 26
August, 27 – September, 8

Contact for extra information

The program has a modulus structure. The list of modules is constantly being adapted to the needs of participants and different age groups.

– Intensive preparation for Matura exam
– Program for Elementary school
– Program for Middle school
– Mathematical olympiads: theory and practice
– Programming olympiads
– Mathematical battle (team-inclined mathematical competitions), mathematical race, individual and team tournaments
– Mini-courses on topics not covered in school
– Popular scientific lecture series “Mathematics in Action!”
– TIPS: Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
– Lectures and workshops on mathematical linguistics
– Experimental physics
– Fun and interesting chemistry facts
– Web design and web programming
– Rhetoric: mini-lectures “The ability to clearly and beautifully express the thought”
– A series of lectures and workshops “Engineer. Skilful Hands”
– Intellectual games
– Debates
– Theater workshops
– Team building training activities
– Urban orienteering competition
– Photomaraphon
– e.t.c.

Actions of scientific scope with technical and educational support of ECRC and
The European Commission

Satellite Thematic Session: 6th European Congress of Mathematics


Besides pure mathematics, most challenging and difficult problems in the modern mathematical and theoretical physics belong to the realm of nonlinear PDEs and related algebraic and geometrical structures. New methods of geometrical theory of PDEs, explicitly or implicitly based on Secondary Calculus and the language of differential calculus over commutative algebras, have already manifested their high efficiency in approaching above problematics.

The scope of this Thematic Session is, from one side, to discuss recent developments in the modern geometry of nonlinear partial differential equations with a special emphasis on new techniques based on Secondary Calculus, as well as the recent progress in the theory of solution singularities of nonlinear PDEs and in formal integrability theory, and, from another side, the related Poisson-like structures emerging in this context such as algebroids, multiple Lie algebra structures, etc. A special attention will be given to actual and perspective of applications to geometry, physics and mechanics.

This STS will take place on one afternoon during the 6th European Congress of Mathematics. The exact day and time as well as the venue will be set later by the Congress organizers. Participants are supposed to register to the Congress.


  1. A. VINOGRADOV, Levi-Civita institute, President, Italy
  2. J. GRABOWSKI, Institute of Mathematics, PAN, Poland
  3. J. KIJOWSKI, Center for Theoretical Physics, PAN, Poland
  4. M. Eugenia ROSADO MARĺA, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  5. E. VISHNYAKOVA, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
  6. N. PONCIN, Université du Luxembourg, Louxembourg
  7. G. MARMO, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
  8. D. CATALANO-FERRAIOLI, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) – Brazil
  9. GAETANO VILASI, Universitа degli Studi di Salerno, Italy


 Monday, July 2

Satellite Thematic Sessions – all at AGH University of Science and Technology:
16:15-20:15 (Room 12, A3)



Friday, July 6

Satellite Thematic Sessions – all at AGH University of Science and Technology:
9:00-13:00 (Room 12, A3)


  1. M. Eugenia ROSADO MARĺA

* to be confirmed 


  1. A. VINOGRADOV, “Assembling Lie algebras from lieons” Abstract: Any finite-dimensional Lie algebra can be assembeled from two “elementary particles”, called lieons. This fact will be explained and illustrated together with some other results of Lie algebra “chemistry”.
  2. J. GRABOWSKI, “Tulczyjew triples in mechanics and field theories”
  3. J. KIJOWSKI, “Jets of solutions of variational PDS’s: fundamental symplectic structure and basic properties”
  4. M. Eugenia ROSADO MARĺA, “Involutivity of the Hamilton-Cartan equations of a second-order Lagrangian admitting a first-order Hamiltonian formalism”
  5. E. VISHNYAKOVA, “On the splitting problem for a complex homogeneous supermanifold”
  6. N. PONCIN, “Lie infinity algebroids, higher morphisms and symmetries”
  8. D. CATALANO-FERRAIOLI, “Contact Geometry of Parabolic Monge-Ampere Equations”
  9. GAETANO VILASI, “Einstein metrics with 2-dimensional Killing leaves: Geometric and Physical Aspects”

This Thematic Session is related to a satellite conference:

XV Summer Diffiety
Gdynia, Poland
16-28 July, 2012