
Summer School & Workshop Wisla 19

Summer School Wisla 19
Wisła, Poland
August 19 – August 29, 2019

The topic of the forthcoming school:
Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Mathematical Physics

The speakers will be:

Lychagin Valentin (University of Tromsø, Norway)
How to integrate differential equations. A survey on various methods of integration nonlinear differential equations based on symmetries, invariants, and differential constrains.

Rubtsov Volodya (University of Angers, France)
Introduction to symplectic and Poisson geometry of integrable systems. A survey of methods of symplectic and Poisson geometries using to integrate mechanical and Hamiltonian systems.

Slovák Jan (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
Traktor calculi. An elementary introduction based on classical examples to modern invariant differential calculus related to Cartan geometries.

The ARRIVAL DAY is August 18.

The DEPARTURE DAY is August 29.
School fee is 400 EUR for Early bird registration (until June 30, 2019),
500 EUR for registration after July 1, 2019 until August 5, 2019.

The fee includes meals, accommodation (2-3 beds rooms with private bathroom) and lectures. Accommodation in a single room costs an additional 100 EUR.
To apply please send an e-mail to office@baltinmat.eu or fill the registration form.
Your request will be considered by the Organizing Committee. 

Financial Support
We expect that some support will be available to fund students and other young researchers. If you are requesting financial support, please complete the registration form and send a pdf of your CV as soon as possible.

Org. Committee:
R. Kycia, J. de Lucas, E. Schneider, J.Szmit, R.Zawadzki, M.Ulan, M. Wojnowski
Workshop Wisla 19
Wisła, Poland
August 19 – August 29, 2019

The topic of the forthcoming workshop:
Geometrical methods in nonlinear PDEs and critical phenomena
Scientific committee: Lychagin Valentin, Laudal Arnfinn, Kushner Alexei, Roubtsov Volodya, Slovák Jan, Roulstone Ian.
The workshop is devoted to various geometrical, analytical and asymptotic methods to study solutions of nonlinear PDEs and especially to various critical phenomena such as shock waves, wavefronts, phase transitions etc. 

The ARRIVAL DAY is August 18.
The DEPARTURE DAY is August 29.

The workshop fee is 200 EUR.
The cost of accommodation expenses is 550 EUR for Early bird registration (until June 30, 2019), 650 EUR for registration after July 1, 2019 until August 5, 2019.
To apply please send an e-mail to office@baltinmat.eu or fill the registration form.
Industry Day @ Summer School & Workshop Wisla 19
August 26 , 2019

The Industry Day, a one day event, will take place during Summer School  &  Workshop Wisla 19.  The Industry Day is aimed at creating synergy between industrial needs and mathematical technologies, where companies will propose industrial/scientific challenges to participants and will get possible solutions.

All the companies wishing to take part  please send an e-mail to office@baltinmat.eu
Proceedings of Summer School & Workshop Wisla 19
Materials of the school and workshop will be published by Springer Nature.
The school will provide young researchers an opportunity to interact with their colleagues and well-known researchers in the field:
- each participant could make a talk about recent research or present a poster
- each participant will get an independent and constructive feedback on her/his current research and future research directions
- a decision about including participantwork to the book will be made based on experts feedback
- each participant will also be given an opportunity to improve her/his work during the school
Lecture notes from Summer School Wisla 18 are available at the following link:
Nonlinear PDEs, Their Geometry, and Applications. Proceedings of the Wisła 18 Summer School

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Summer School & Workshop Wisla 19 is a registered satellite 
meeting of ICIAM 2019, The International Congress on Industrial and 
Applied Mathematics, to be held at Valencia(Spain),July 15-19,2019.